No Rest for the Wicked (Cohetes)

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5 AM and there have already been two long progressions of  cohetes de trueno ( thunder rockets)—aptly named fireworks loud enough to raise the dead!!! The LOUD music from town was still going strong at 2 AM. Not much of a chance for a good night’s sleep during the ten day long San Juan Bautista celebration in San Juan Cosala! Maybe I’ll venture down the mountain to see what’s going on today. After so many years, I’m turning into a bit of a hermit so far as the different village festivals. (5:29 AM, as I complete this post—another long progression of explosions. Guess I’m up for good.) (5:36, another long progression of explosions, accompanied by cheerful music. They sound like giant firing squads..don’t know how else to describe it.)




13 thoughts on “No Rest for the Wicked (Cohetes)

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    I think local celebration become less interesting when you’ve seen them for many years For us, when Kaity grew up, we started to back off a lot of the festivities. I’m glad we have them and every once in a while, they try something new and that’s interesting. Great photographs!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Ana Daksina

        ‘Round midnight they should start combining the two!

        I don’t mean to be unsympathetic ~ it”s just that I’ve hardly been allowed ever to sleep normally, for years now, and done with malicious intent with no end in sight. The idea that I could count on it ending in ten days would be so great!

        Well, here’s to better sleep for both of us, dear 💤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. lifelessons Post author

    2:54. The music continues…from a mile away so loud that it woke me from a deep sleep. So strange.. sounds like a thousand people singing a dirge. I can’t figure it out. Sometimes I feel like jumping into my car to go down to investigate, but with my luck it would end just before I got there.

    I didn’t find your comment to be unsympathetic, by the way.

    What is it that keeps you awake every night? Have you tried earplugs? They say lack of sleep is harder on a body than lack of food and water.



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