Tag Archives: Cee’s Odd-Ball Photo Challenge

African Mask Bug: Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge

I found this fellow just outside my gate. He was about an inch and a half long. I’ve seen them here before but I can’t remember the name.  Rotated one turn to the right, it looks like an African mask.

Beauty in Ruins: May 27, 2018


Increase size of photos by clicking on any one.

Man and nature conspire to create collages making use of these old buildings in the pueblo just below my house. I am mystified about what the other end of the noose seen in the first photo is attached to. I had to include the paint-splattered paving stones from Ajijic as well as it suited the theme.


For Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge

Little Duck’s Adventures, Odd Ball Photo Challenge: Mar 21, 2018


Far be it from me to break the law by taking Little Duck out the the car in this Tennessee rest stop without a leash. He was indignant, but what’s a mother to do? Big Duck chose to stay in the car.

For Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge.

Father and Son

Martin, who owns the restaurant where we hold our Saturday writers group meetings, has his sons with him in the restaurant 5 days a week, and sometimes on weekends. He is just an amazing father, as you can see in these photos.  You must enlarge to see these darling father/son poses.



That Time of Year: Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge, July 9, 2017

It’s that time of year when flying termites descend by the thousands, chew off their wings and go in search of delicious wood to munch.  These fellas thankfully got caught in a huge rainstorm that lasted for hours, pinning them by their wings.  I woke up to drifts of them in places like these steps up to the garage. Kinda ghastly, but definitely oddball.



Odd (Eye)ball??? Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge, June 10, 2017


I absolutely love this photo. Whatever Dee is relating to Colleen has turned her cross-eyed.  Lynda, bored, couldn’t care less and has taken solace in her iPhone.  Whoever is lurking to the side could probably fill us in on what is being talked about here.


Music Makers: Odd Ball Challenge, May 21, 2017

Be it a mariachi’s guitar or a detail of my friend Larry’s guitar, I love the artistry of musical instruments. Then, I couldn’t resist adding photos of one of the guitars whose artistry I attempted to augment.



Please click on the first photo below to enlarge all photos and view as a slideshow.

