The Doldrums

The Doldrums

Please pardon my annoyance and don’t mind my chagrin—
my great dissatisfaction with the mindset that I’m in.
All the former methods that could cause me to exult:
first prayer and then Buscaglia, pot and the occult,
no longer serve this purpose. I am left here cold and rigid.
My fires of enthusiasm have, I fear, gone frigid.
Yet I think I deserve credit, at least, for still resisting
temptation just to end it all. At least, I’m still existing.

Note: It’s fiction, folks. I’m feeling fine!!! So is Forgottenman. He’s just too much of a clown and affords too many photo opportunities that later come in handy for illustrative purposes. Blame the prompts.

The prompt words today are exult, frigid, credit and chagrin. Here are the links:

13 thoughts on “The Doldrums

  1. MNL

    good poem coming from a particular mindset, very believable. glad it’s not your mindset. it is the good writer’s ability ability to create believable characters, storylines, settings and scenarios that suck the reader in.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. MNL

        yeah, I’ve had that happen with poems too. I wrote one on abortion once when I was young as a couple older friends had gone through it and it’d been hard for them. Suddenly I was getting hit with a lot of sympathy and political views on both sides of the fence — surprised me (especially as at that time I was still a virgin although only a few of my friends knew that). The people who had had abortions thought the poem was spot on which I was happy with. I hadn’t realized that people thought my poems were always about me when actually I like to write since it takes me out of me (if that makes sense). If I write a poem about a dark/unhappy/unusual/controversial mindset again, I’ll add a disclaimer like you did. that’s really smart


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Especially when I follow 4 prompts at once. When I see the words together they seem to form a plot of their own. Fun to follow where they lead even if sometimes it is a dark place.



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