The Fallen


The OctPoWriMo prompt today, in addition to the first two words in the list below, is to devise a new poetic form. The form I’ve created is one of dual rhyme. The first part of each line must consist of two rhymed halves. In addition, the last word in each line must rhyme with all the ending words of each line in the poem.  I hereby declare the name of this new poetic form to be “The Forced Rhyme Two-Step.”
Word prompts today are stretch, disorder, topple, allegation, forest, awe.


The Fallen

Though the forest is my florist, it is locked in hibernation.
It’s my belief there is no leaf throughout the whole damn nation.
There’s no pollen. Leaves have fallen, and a further allegation
is an order that the border be locked up in litigation
lest the thieves of the leaves are a foreign delegation.
Word of mouth? They’ve fled south, so we’ll need a stronger station
to stop theft of what’s left of next year’s reforestation.
Yet the disorder at our border is a cause for jubilation.
Those not in awe of the law find it cause for much elation,
for the bloke is a joke who stirred up the population
when it’s galling that the falling is just due to maturation!
It’s a stretch, but the wretch who’s in need of education
is the chump, name of Trump, who’s in need of a vacation.
Fare thee well, POTUS from Hell, for we feel no reservation.
Your ablution’s the solution to our country’s renovation!!
“Vote him out!!” we all shout. End four years of reprobation!!
And when he topples, we’ll hear Koppel’s sincere felicitations.



23 thoughts on “The Fallen

      1. lifelessons Post author

        Good news. In writing that message to you, It occurred to me that I may have had the name of my earlier concocted form wrong so I looked up another possibility and found it! I’m going to reblog it…as it, too, meets the prompt for OctPoWriMo.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          The whole world is too much lately. Best taken in small chunks. Have you seen Tiny Creatures on Netflix? They had a wonderdul segment on Australia, but all of the episodes have been wonderful.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. bushboy

            No I don’t have Netflix or anything like that. There was a claymation about big and tiny creatures a few years ago made in England which was very good called Creature Comforts


  1. Christine Goodnough

    You are indeed a skillful word wielder! I wouldn’t attempt to put together a rhyme like that. 🙂

    As to sentiments expressed, I hope you can endure another four years, should it come to pass. To us up here it’s sounding like 50/50. Either total confusion or total confusion.



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