TV Review: Rita

Has anyone else seen a Danish TV show named “Rita?”  It just came on Netflix and it is excellent.  Quirky, flawed characters with heart, a view into a foreign society and universal themes that hold our interest.  Irreverent, smart, modern and plain–the plot, characters and settings are perfectly believable.  I love the blurring of right and wrong in the characters and the shifting of roles between them.  Parent is child and child parent.  Watch this show for a real treat. I especially like the portrayal of the new young teacher.  She reminds me of the young quirky nurse on “Nurse Jackie.”  (I’m terrible at remembering the names of characters in even favorite books, films and tv shows, but if you’ve seen the show, you know who I mean.)  Subtitled, but so well done that you’ll barely notice, and you might learn a bit of Danish!

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

13 thoughts on “TV Review: Rita

    1. lifelessons Post author

      And the subtitling is really well done..When that happens, I’m not even aware I’m reading instead of listening. I guess season 2 is dubbed, but whatever you do, watch season 1 first! Just trust me. You’ll know why after you’ve seen it, hopefully.


  1. indianmacgyver

    your speaking of hordiss and she is a great character. though my favorite character so far is the principal (whose name i now can’t remember), probably b/c i’m just about smitten with rita. but the show is a true treat.

    i like foreign shows for a few reasons: 1) it’s fun to see how other cultures tell stories – motives can be much darker or heartfelt and unique, 2) you can learn a little about life in that country and typically some of the scenic shots are epic, and 3) whatever doesn’t make sense, a character’s reaction that feels out of character for example, i can chalk up to cultural differences – maybe that’s how they do things in denmark.

    p.s. though i doubt teachers dress like rita anywhere. judy, so glad i caught this post today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I love seeing how different the school is–those big bean bag chairs in the corridors. Cool. And how each student was given a different exam and drew their exam number from the stick-it notes on the table outside. The new female principal and nemesis of Rita looks and dresses exactly like a woman I taught with my first year of teaching in the U.S. Uncanny. Yes, Hordiss is the quirky character I’m talking about.

      So glad someone else loves this show. I, too, love foreign programs and movies, especially when they are skillfully subtitled so I can easily read and watch the characters at the same time.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. indianmacgyver

        those bean bags are very cool. also it’s cool how the teachers seem to float between grades covering the same subjects. that’s a very nice approach, if it’s accurate.

        you’re a little ahead of me, i haven’t met the new principal, but don’t worry i don’t mind spoilers. another good foreign production is “housebound.” it’s a horror movie but it’s smart, playful, and not gory per-se. it’s from new zealand and i recommend it.


          1. indianmacgyver

            it is on netflix 🙂 i pretty much only watch netflix streaming. though i did check out a free trial period of amazon prime tv awhile back.

            if you ever have the chance to catch ‘whitechapel’ it’s pretty fun because of the historical look at british crime.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Ha.. this stream has been going on for a looong time. Had to do some research to see what your comment was in response to. The show that is really terrible re/ the constant smoking is “The Crown.” No wonder so many royals died of lung cancer.



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