Mexico is the Definition of VIVID!!!!

viv·id    adjective   producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.”memories of that evening were still vivid”graphic, evocative, realistic, lifelike, faithful, authentic, clear, detailed,lucid, eloquent, striking, arresting, impressive, colorful, rich,picturesque, dramatic, lively, stimulating, interesting, fascinating,scintillating

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6 thoughts on “Mexico is the Definition of VIVID!!!!

  1. Laura L.

    I’m re-reading Tom Robbin’s “Fierce Invalids Home form Hot Climates” and the lead character, Switters, uses “vivid” repeatedly to describe the Hot Climates of central and south America. I don’t know if he ever specifies Mexico, but I laughed when I saw your use of vivid. Switters is usually using the word negatively, as in “too damned vivid” (and he includes the sounds, the weather, the people). Your photos are nothing but positively vivid.



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