Go Fish! Oddball Photo Challenge

                                                                   Go Fish!

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19 thoughts on “Go Fish! Oddball Photo Challenge

    1. lifelessons Post author

      This is a dorado (mahi mahi) that my friend’s husband caught. I was so glad that it was already dead when I saw it. I hate it when they let the fish lie gasping on the sand! Just can’t stand it. I have a story about that I’ll tell in another post. Thanks for kind words of appreciation, Marilyn.

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          1. Marilyn Armstrong

            You have a great eye. With a good camera and practice. You can’t buy an eye, but you have that. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Photography is a timeless hobby. You can be too old to walk, but you can always take pictures.

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            1. lifelessons Post author

              It is addictive and you only really need a minimum of equipment…I know that really good photographers such as you and Cee and Bob have tons of lenses, etc. But, I know if I got into that, I would stop because it would take too much preplanning and reason. I like to just be spontaneous and see what happens…as much as possible. Most of my successes in photography are a combination of luck, intuition and patience re/ taking lots of pictures. And while doing so I get to look at things closely and in detail which I love to have a excuse to do.


            2. Marilyn Armstrong

              One camera, one “do it all lens” and keep it with you all the time. Most of my stuff is done on an itty bitty little camera that I keep in my purse. I have other equipment, but I only use it when I’m going on a serious shoot. Otherwise, it’s the almost weightless Pentax Q. I’m a big fan of tiny and lightweight because the best camera is the one you have with you when the picture appears.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          My dad had mousetraps set in the garage once where they went into a little cage and you were supposed to drown them. He left town after he set them and my mother fed the mice inside while he was gone!!!

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            1. lifelessons Post author

              Ha. I know. Me, too. I don’t know that Morrie has ever killed anything. Remember when he brought that baby bird up to the house in his mouth, totally intact? Entirely inside his mouth with his jaws shut. It had been washed out of its nest in the rains.


            2. Marilyn Armstrong

              Bonnie lacks a killer instinct too. Our first terrier (a Norwich) was a born again serial verminator. She used to kill mice and stack them at my feet like cordwood. She was a joyful killer. Oh, and she loved killing frogs, too. Normally she hated getting wet, but in the presence of frogs, she’d wade … even swim … out and swallow them still wriggling. A happy little furry killer.

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    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, quirky. I am not a wonderful photographer, but do enjoy looking around for the parts of a photo I like, cropping and playing around with them. Sort of the collage approach to photography!

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