Legalized Pot––Free Trade?

A friend sent me this interesting news on  the effect on Mexico of increasingly tolerant marijuana laws in the U.S.

3 thoughts on “Legalized Pot––Free Trade?

  1. slmret

    So we build a wall to keep the people out; the people tunnel under the wall to bring their pot in! The net result is that the economy of Mexico will improve, based on such illegal (smuggling and immigration) activity, and the people will want to stay in Mexico! It’s a crazy world!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I would love it if the economy of Mexico would improve enough so no one wants to go to the states… And let the zealots see what would happen to our economy with no Mexican labor. It is a crazy world. No one can debate that point anymore after this national election. I think the point is that if it is legalized in Mexico, perhaps they won’t have to smuggle it in.



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