“Walkin’ My Shadow Back Home,” Cee’s B and W Photo Challenge: Shadows



To play along, go here: https://ceenphotography.com/2017/08/31/cees-black-white-photo-challenge-shadows/

19 thoughts on ““Walkin’ My Shadow Back Home,” Cee’s B and W Photo Challenge: Shadows

    1. lifelessons Post author

      The housesitter who got him at the pound and then left him with me when she left named him. I wanted to name him Trotsky! But she’d already been calling him Morrie for a month, not knowing his old name, so didn’t want to confuse him.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          Would it help if I told you the other Murdo Girl is an avid reader of your blog and is strictly an underground Murdo Girl? Rarely dines out on the title and owns no crowns?


          1. Mary Francis McNinch

            No that doesn’t help. There are tons of MGs..you are an MG, and a very talented professional. I accidently hit publish tonight before it was ready. It happens all the time. I make real writers cringe, but I’m okay with that. I just love being from Murdo. I’m 65 and 8 months.


            1. lifelessons Post author

              Okay, Ms. M. Time to put you out of your misery. The other Murdo Girl is moi, but I abdicated long ago so the crown as well as the moniker is all yours. I am, and always will be, at heart, a Murdo Girl, though and my first book was about it. Have you read Prairie Moths? If not, I’ll send it to you.


            2. Mary Francis McNinch

              If I can get the book through Amazon, I will order it and have it sent to a friend we’ll be visiting so I can read it on the road. I mean it when I say I was hoping it was you! Thank you for sharing it with me, Judy. I’m usually not so passive aggressive.


            3. lifelessons Post author

              It is Prairie Moths: Memories of a Farmer’s Daughter. They had copies at the Pioneer Auto Museum but may have sold out. Available on Amazon and for Kindle, although I advise the hard copy as the formatting can get messed up on Kindle. I’ll be interested in whether the descriptions ring true for you.


  1. lifelessons Post author

    P.S. She is 5 years older than you so probably won’t be around as long as you will be so unless some upstart comes into view, you will probably be the sole Murdo Girl in the future.



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