The Twins at Eighty



The lustre’s left my hair and skin. I’m simply bottom drawer.
My lovely high soprano voice has deepened to a roar.
My joints are gnarled and knotted. My back is bent a bit.
I’d prefer my stomach if I could see over it.
To say I am exasperated would be understating it,
but at least the truth cannot make the claim I’m skating it.
I blame it on the influence of age, chocolate and gin.
I’m simply not responsible for the shape I’m in!!!


The gentlemen surround me in an unbroken cluster,
exclaiming over my smooth skin—its creaminess and lustre.
My drawers are full of love letters. Exasperated lovers
seek to win my girlish shape and woo it under covers.
They fall under the influence of my winning ways.
They do not guess my actual age when held rapt by my gaze.
I do pilates every day and all my life I’ve fasted.
Although I haven’t had much fun, at least my looks have lasted!


The prompts today are lustre, drawer, exasperated and influence. Here are the links:
FOWC with Fandango — Drawer

16 thoughts on “The Twins at Eighty

      1. slmret

        Thanks, Judy — an interesting observation, and basically spot on, although I do try not to discuss on-line the unhappy side of my life. I’m the older sister who was not as happy (or popular) as a child as my sister — I learned how to deal with criticism, challenges, and loneliness early on, and was very successful in my career throughout my career. If happiness truly comes from within, I think those are several of the characteristics of a happy life.


      2. slmret

        Starting out in student aid, I progressed to student loan regulation, student loan lender, and finally secondary market at SallieMae. I worked in the student aid business through the entire cycle of the loan, and through the entire cycle of the business — started on the inception of the Higher Ed Act of 1965, and left in 2004, as the student loans were being changed to being harmful to the borrowers (although that’s partly the problem of inflation in the colleges). It was very fulfilling!

        Liked by 1 person


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