What I Do in the Shadows.

Nothing vampirish about it. I reorganize kitchen cupboards! Lucky you. You get to see. These kind of projects best done between the hours of 8 PM and 1 AM. (You’ll want to click on these to see them in detail. I’m checking the stats. I’ll know if you don’t!!!)

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

20 thoughts on “What I Do in the Shadows.

  1. SueW

    Haha, you check your stats! I never do that, I don’t really see the point.
    I like doing jobs early morning from 8:00 AM, apparently they are the most productive of the day when our physical and mental energies are at their highest.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I agree about the morning. That’s why I shifted my day around to write every morning. I used to exercise then. Now I exercise at night when in the past I wrote. After a lifetime of writing between 11 and 3 A.M., I find thoughts come easier between 8 A.M. and 2 P.M. Never too old to learn new tricks. As for stats, I actually get a kick out of seeing the triple numbers. 333. 666. Recently, 777,777! Oh thrill. It must be some obsessive compulsive thing and if I miss any, Forgottenman notices and Skypes me. What compatibility.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. SueW

        Sorry for asking, but who or what is Forgotten Man? I am impressed with your routine.
        I’m not a night owl, after years of waking early because of children and working in school, old habits die hard. I’m in bed by eleven PM and awake at six AM.
        I use my iPad to write notes and use the reader. Then it’s domestic chores etc.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          I just tackled the dread makeup drawer and then the medicine drawer in the bathroom. Everywhere I go I end up getting distracted by a compulsion to organize. I think I’m trying to get the world back in order on a small scale. Would that I could do it on a larger scale–or that someone could. Surely even the Republicans must fear another 4 years with this man. Why don’t they choose a different candidate???


  2. Donnalee of Kingston NY

    Good for you to get something done.

    What I do at that time of night is read old paperbacks and occasionally get the urge to declutter things like the bookshelves in my house, or the boxes of books that still need to be shelved or given away–hence all the reading, for perhaps six or more hours a night…



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