Baby Talk


Baby Talk

They are not merely drivel, these noises that you coo.
You accent their importance with everything you do.
Your waving arms and thrashing feet, your pooched lips all implore
that we try to learn your language to see what they are for.

I guess it is inevitable that our efforts fail
to try to learn your lingo beyond giggle, frown and wail,
for although we’re sympathetic, we do not get your gist.
So please forgive our ignorance of messages we’ve missed.

We’ll shoulder all the blame for this lack of understanding,
knowing all too well that by the time that you are standing
you’ll have learned our language, making you the fastest starter—
proving once again that you are by far the smarter.


Prompt words today are inevitable, sympathetic, drivel and shoulder.

21 thoughts on “Baby Talk

  1. koolkosherkitchen

    Love this delightful poem, Judy! “Baby talk” is really a language, inasmuch as it is a means of expression, like any other language. This has been indicated by many studies of twins as babies.


      1. koolkosherkitchen

        What do deaf/mute people think in? The do have the rest of the senses and they experience the world; their brains process these experiences in whichever symbols it chooses. Essentially, that’s what thinking consists of.


  2. KL Caley

    Haha as a mother of a toddler this is so true. At a recent playdate mid-chat I turned and said “oh he wants whatever the item happened to be” and she said I had forgotten about the baby stage when only parents understand their language (although this is not always the case). How funny humans are. Great post and use of all the prompts too.
    KL ❤


          1. Covert Novelist

            Due to health reasons I took a break and haven’t been writing for awhile, that and disappointment when wp crashed on me and I had a long road to get back. So finally, over my frustration, I am back. Loving it too. Perhaps I needed a break! lol who knew!The one odd thing is, I can’t seem to write poetry any longer. it simply isn’t flowing, as in at all!


            1. Covert Novelist

              No idea what the “classic editor is” lol. I will ask my son. He’ll know. Perhaps he’ll have time to assist with it. Thank you in advance tho, I appreciate your help.


            2. lifelessons Post author

              You said that WordPress broke down…or something to that effect. Was it a year or so ago when they made us use the blocks? If so, there is a way to get around it.


            3. lifelessons Post author

              Tell him to go to
              and to put that address in your favorites or somewhere where you can easily get to it. When you want to post, click on it and that brings up a page where you can construct a blog page using the classic editor. If you have to come back to the page after you’ve posted, always select classic editor, not block editor. If he needs more information, contact me via a comment on one of my blogs..Hope this helps.


  3. Pingback: Baby Talk – sport

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