Mystery Flower: FOTD Nov 30, 2023

My plant identifier couldn’t tell me what flower this is. Can you?

For Cee’s FOTD


11 thoughts on “Mystery Flower: FOTD Nov 30, 2023

  1. Sam

    From the shape of the bud and leaf, it know it may be a passion flower and my first guess is Passiflora coccinea. but knowing you are tricky with a camera it could be the size of your fingernail or as large as your hand, who knows~!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I think you are right. I’ve never seen this variety of passionflower before but it has many of the components of a passionflower. Wish I hadn’t destroyed my own vines but they attracted worms that ruined their esthetic.. Hole-covered flowers and leaves lose their charm. Love love the flowers, though.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          I had a friend who had a huge vine of these… many many years ago. Only one I ever saw before this one and this one is sorta wilted. It looked familiar but very unlike my purple passionflowers from equally long ago.

          Liked by 1 person


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