Sneaky Santas

My neighbors David and Sergio leave tomorrow to spend Xmas with their families in Los Angeles, but today they brought me over this gorgeously wrapped gift:

Imagine my surprise, however, when I removed the wrappings to find this perfectly ordinary brown cup:

This is the couple whose outrageously beautiful Xmas decorations I showed last year. There is not an ordinary object in their house!  Ha. A gag gift, for sure.  Then Sergio insisted I make a cup of coffee and pour it into the cup and voilá!  This transformation occurred:

Remember when they gave me the Cheetos Torciditos beach towel last Xmas? They will stop at nothing to support my mania for this incredible snack.  Sorry, though, not available outside of Mexico.  Suffice it to say, however, that I have never served them to a single person who didn’t become an immediate addict.  David and Sergio are even taking two large bags of them with them to the U.S.  Add a glass of my Sangria alongside and perfection is served!!!

Touché, guys. You have again won the Xmas gift prize.

But sadly, as I drank the cup of coffee, this happened:

And, once I’d sipped the dregs from the cup:

How to stop the Cheetos from disappearing? Perhaps this is the solution:

But it is going to take some willpower to enact this plan!!!

25 thoughts on “Sneaky Santas

  1. TamrahJo

    Ah, the fantabulous, artistic, creative gifts made by those who give their all on ‘gifting their best’ to others….

    I remember the first time I learned about the treasures of the tomb of King Tut so long ago – and the lamp that was just a plain old lamp, until it was lit – and the amazement over the ‘craftsmanship’ of the time ‘way back then’ and then, my searching for it when the “King Tut” exhibit came to a museum near me, so many decades later – sigh – um, yeah, I skirted all the gold, jewels, mummies, stuff – looking for the ‘magic lamp’ display – Some day? May your magic mug be displayed somewhere, for those who say, “Um, that creation was saved and displayed for true, deep fans, right???”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anonymous

      I went to New Orleans to see the King Tut exhibition but strangely enough I don’t remember actually seeing it. I wonder if the lines were so long that I couldn’t get in? One of life’s mysteries. This is Judy Speaking. For some reason, WP now reports me as ‘Someone’ on my own blog!


  2. anntonyjandc

    Oh. I love your friends who share your delight in humor. What a grand story with a cup of coffee and some of Mexico’s exquisite Cheetos. ( I love the American ones. They’re addictive enough, thank you) You’re delightful and to tickle your humor is an easy goal…but this cuppa is the best gag of all.


    1. Anonymous

      One couldn’t ask for better neighbors. The people who lived in the house (and owned it) before them were best friends of mine as well. Lucky.–Judy



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