Reconstruction: for Becky’s Squares, May 23, 2024

Click on photos to enlarge and see detail.

The epicenter of the October 2022 earthquake was on the coast of Mexico, but it caused big jerks here. I was in the car and thought it was a really strong wind buffeting the car back and forth. Then I saw the telephone poles swaying and people streaming from the stores into the street. There was one quake of just a minute or two followed by another. There wasn’t any damage that I could see, except when I got home I noticed cracks in my house and entry arch that over the months got wider and wider until at last my door to the street wouldn’t latch at all as the cracks above it had widened so much. Cracks in my house appeared from front to back door in my entry hall which is really the juncture of the two wings of my L shaped house and when my friend Agustin inspected the house he determined that the two wings of the house had never really been joined by metal joists but just by concrete All major repairs were finally completed, although smaller cracks are on my “to do” list.The two statues in the first photo were not broken by the earthquake, but rather by my cats who knocked them off their pedestals. luckily, they remained intact from the waist down and so have been converted into planters.

For Becky’s Squares: Renew

18 thoughts on “Reconstruction: for Becky’s Squares, May 23, 2024

  1. slmret

    We haven’t had an earthquake for some months — until about a month ago, when there was a 4.1 quake between here and Corona. It was definitely strong enough to feel here, but not to do any damage where I am. A good reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Tiffany. I’ve never regretted buying this house or any of the changes I’ve made in it. It has been a labor of love for 23 years. Just wish Bob could have shared in it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      They did a good job but sadly didn’t reinstall the wiring for the doorbell and door opened so they’ve had to run it on the outside of the wall. I went without for months..Will have to have someone come and retrench and bury them, then repaint walls. Sigh.

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  2. Pingback: Squares & Swans Renew – The life of B

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