Why I Write, for dVerse Poets, May 24, 2024

Why I Write

I write for the same reason
that blue is blue and red is red.
I write because that is what I am.

Words are my sport
and my art
and my discipline.
My bones are words
and so is my flesh.

I am held together
by an understanding
I would never have found
if I didn’t write.
Words are the road I am choosing to take
to become who I will one day be.
Who I want to be.
Who I am intended to be
if there is any purpose in our universe.

Words wed us to our creator.
When I write,
I talk to a part of myself
that is united with the whole
and I become wiser in my everyday life.

Words are how I bring my dreams into reality
by creating a pathway between the two.
Words are the power I have
over the greatest things that I am subject to.
They are the only part of me that no one can take away.

In times of danger, they become thoughts.
In times of safety,
they venture again onto the page.

I write because it is what weds me to a past
I have been long divorced from.
I write because it shows me a path into the future.
I write because it is through writing that I become my best self.

I write to show my fear,
my admiration,
my love,
my revulsion.
It is like a bleeding,
getting these words out––
like a forced birth.

I write because it is the only thing I’ve ever found
that I have felt I am meant to do.
If I am a fish,
words are my water.
If I am a bird,
they are my sky.

For dVerse Poets

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

16 thoughts on “Why I Write, for dVerse Poets, May 24, 2024

  1. Helen

    Every line, word, emotion, thought …. yes the reasons we write. There are times I think … this is getting to be too much, I need a break. And I simply breathe deeply and ‘carry on.’ It’s part of who we are.


  2. koolkosherkitchen

    This is absolutely wonderful, dear Judy!
    Leo Tolstoy: “A writer is not the one who can write, but the one who cannot not to write.”
    And my dear friend, mayhe rest in peace, the foremost Russian satirist: “To write is like to pee; you do it because you can’t hold it inside.”


  3. Anonymous

    Oh my, I wish I had written this myself. It is exquisite, profound, and instantly recognizable as the impetus for creating something lasting with language. Form one writer to another: well done! You sang the song that my heart feels.


  4. Kim of Glover Gardens

    Oh my, I wish I had written this myself! It is so profound and true. From one writer-because-I-gotta-write to another: your words are absolutely recognizable as the impetus to create with words. Well done!


  5. Judy Reeves

    Yes! to all of this. Beautiful poem, Judy. I know many who will identify with all your “why I write”s.




  6. Mish

    Line by line, this resonates. It is a poem to treasure. Thank you for expressing everything I feel about writing. I could not have done it so eloquently.



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