The Annie Chronicles #7

Click on photos to see the damage…and the doggies.

So, Annie has taken to jumping down off the bed and I could hear her chewing on something. Finally I had a close look, and it is the wooden and leather equipale chair!  So, I went out to the terrace to get the can of spray doggie repellant that keeps them from using the terrace as a potty spot and sprayed it all over the equipale, but I’ll be darned if she didn’t start chewing it again minutes after I’d sprayed it.

So, I decided I had to remove the wooden and leather chair and replace it with a metal one from the dining room. She ran after me, barking, as I dragged it out of the room and tried to follow me out into the hall but I stopped her by shutting the door, dragged the heavy and bulky chair up two stairs and down the hall to the guest room, then dragged a dining room chair into my room to use as a desk chair. I’d put decorative pillows from the bed onto the seat of the equipale to store them overnight and so moved them to the seat of the metal chair, but Annie immediately stood on her hind legs to try to grab the oval Virgin of Guadalupe pillow that Zoe, in her first year, had already chewed the decorative cord off the outside edge of!  Pillows up on the desk, Annie disappeared, but I could still hear chewing.  It must be my display panels for art shows that I have stored under the bed.  Guess I’ll have to move those tomorrow.

When Zoe was shedding her puppy teeth, she ate the corners off my wooden desk and file cabinets.  Morrie destroyed 4 dog beds and Zoe equally as many. Coco was a jumper, not a chewer, but it cost me over a thousand dollars to fence in the whole yard to keep her from jumping up on the wall and down to the lower lot. I’ve already caught Annie making off with my once again, I need to exercise puppy vigilance. I may have to rename her “Beaver.”

After a day of wrestling with Zoe, Annie is now sleeping on her back at my elbow with all four legs sticking up in the air. Zoe is lying below her, along my leg.. Coco is on the
pillow next to my ear. Silent night, except  for the tapping of these keys. It is well past midnight, so time for that to stop, too. To all a good night!


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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

19 thoughts on “The Annie Chronicles #7

    1. lifelessons Post author

      She is, but she is so loving and cute that I can’t resist her. And so tiny that she can easily be picked up to cuddle. I hope she stays small. And so far I forgive her her trespasses.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Anonymous

      Fingers crossed. I’m going to leave her alone with the other dogs in the lower yard (fenced off from the pool) for the first time tomorrow when I go out to lunch with a friend.Can’t think of anything she can destroy or that can destroy her down there.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Annie # 8 | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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