Annie’s Place, FOTD June 16, 2024

The day Annie died, Pasiano buried her in front of the peanut terrace wrapped up in her favorite rug with her pull toy and one of my shoes.  I was working on a blog chronicling all the places she had carried my shoes to in the brief time she was with us. Seemed fitting for her to get to take one with her.  The next day Pasiano and Yolanda and I walked up the dry river bed of the arroyo a block from my house and found these stones.  On Wednesday I went flower shopping and arranged the flowers. On Friday, Pasiano planted them and yesterday and today I culled succulents from other plots to complete the planting.  The peanut terrace behind her spot has room for two chairs and a small table. It is in the shade of the huge pistachio tree that I planted as a sapling 15 years ago or more. It is a good spot for us to come and visit her. It is the spot where I’d had Pasiano dig up a tree that was getting too big and growing up through the limbs of the pistachio.  Although we planted it with grass, for some reason it never quite took hold, perhaps because the dogs loved to dig there. Zoe and Annie chose it as their favorite wrestling spot and would come up covered with dirt and leaves. It seemed just the right place. R.I.P. Annie.

For Cee’s FOTD

14 thoughts on “Annie’s Place, FOTD June 16, 2024

  1. slmret

    What a sweet spot for Annie! I love the planting and the stones from the river bed! I assume the peanut terrace is on your main property, and not the next door garden. Do you have a larger photo showing the terrace too?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ann Garcia

    you’re the best dog person I have ever known. You gave little Annie a place of rest that many people would envy for their human being departeds.. Her brief life, so happy with you, has to be worth a whole doggie lifetime. You gave her your all. She knew it. Your goodness and all encompassing love made a difference.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I think my big mistake cancelled all that out, Ann. I still can’t get over my guilt for that and probably never will. All of the other dogs occasionally go over and sit for awhile and visit her. As do I. I appreciate your words of comfort as I do your comments on posts. So many good friends of the past are now at a distance but the internet keeps us close. Raining again. Thank you,nature, for bringing it back to us.



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