Bedtime in the Rainy Season

The rainstorm hit just as I drove up to the house. Running from the garage to the kitchen door, a distance of no more than 30 feet, I was as drenched as I would have been if I had jumped into the pool. I created a river as I ran across the kitchen, dining room and living room, shedding clothes the entire way.  Once dried off (except for my hair) and in my nightgown, I wasn’t about to carry the cats’ food bowls out to the garage, and how could I expect the cats to eat their dinner in the driving rain? So they dined in the kitchen and quickly afterwards, chose their beds for the night. Kukla on the back of the living room sofa and Ollie on my freshly laundered, ironed and folded sheet.  I think they are in for the night.  Earlier, I had foolishly kept the kitchen door open, thinking they might wander outside once the rain ended. Instead, I entered the kitchhen a few hours later to find it filled with large red flying termites!  I quickly turned off the light and many of them swarmed to the hall, where I had left a floor lamp on.  For some reason, they were all on the floor, where I quickly stamped them to death. I hate to kill any creature, but these same termites used to invade our house in the Redwoods in California, chew off their wings and burrow their ways into the redwood walls of the house. It was them or my wooden African carvings and cupboards and furniture!

Go HERE and HERE and HERE to see and read more about these termites.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

14 thoughts on “Bedtime in the Rainy Season

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    I think when talking about climate change the emphasis belongs on change. We never really know what we’re going to get next. It was super hot last week, rained, cool and beautiful for a couple of days, now it’s cool and damp with lots of rain tomorrow, then getting hotter for the rest of the week.

    We have these weird water bugs we’ve never seen before. Lot of bugs, actually. I don’t even recognize most of them. And the RAINS OMG. For the gigantic amount we’re now paying for insurance, we don’t have any flood insurance. I’m getting a bit paranoid about it.

    Actually, I’m just plain paranoid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ana Daksina

      Here’s paranoid for you ~ some of those brand new bugs are drones. We’ve had them that size able to self power and send back pictures for a full forty eight hours ~ for over five years.


      1. Ana Daksina

        I never did. It was a tiny, tiny wooden cabin built into the side of a hill. I read by candle light there and they were attracted to the warmth. They were still there when I moved on.



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