Category Archives: Plants

Off shoot: FOTD Jan 9, 2024


Cee is taking off a month for a well-deserved rest, but as I was opening the front gate for my Tuesday English student, Eduardo, to leave, I noticed this interesting bloom at the end of a shoot my echeveria has been sending up for the past week or more. Had to share it. Click on photos to enlarge.


Surprise Development: FOTD Jan 3, 2024

When I reached into this cluster of assorted succulents and grabbed this dried leaf to pull it from the branch, it wriggled in my fingers and pulled away from me.  Only then did I realize that it was a cocoon!  I forgot to check it again today, but there was certainly evidence of life within it yesterday.  Yes, of course I left it. Curious to see what emerges, if I’m lucky enough to observe it.

Post Script: Unfortunately, I waited too long. I actually took that photo on Dec. 30. Went out today (Jan. 3) to inspect it and it was gone. Not one evidence of anything every being there. I searched all the remaining plants that I could see and nada. Brian thinks it was a Case Moth or Bag Worm, and I think he is correct. Guess we’ll never know for sure, though. So sorry that I didn’t keep better track of it.

For Cee’s FOTD

Succulent and Guest: FOTD Oct 6, 2023

This fellow greeted me when I arrived home today. Actually climbed onto my foot and partway up my leg before I shook him off gently.  Then he abandoned me for a trip up the succulent and therefore into this FOTD blog!!! Does anyone know what this exotic fellow is? Absolutely gorgeous but I’ve never seen one before. I’ll do another blog with just him (or her) if the other photos turned out.  Haven’t looked at them yet. His body was probably about 2 inches long, not counting his antennae or legs.

To see more photos, go HERE.

For Cee’s FOTD Prompt