Tag Archives: Kalanchoe

Mother of Thousands for FOTD Feb 25, 2024

I couldn’t resist publishing another photo of this amazing plant. I meant to get a start from it and forgot. Photographed in my friend Pamela’s garden earlier this month. The Mother of Thousands is a variety of kalanchoe. Never met a kalanchoe I didn’t like!

For Cee’s FOTD

Fresh Kalanchoe: FOTD Apr 15, 2023

For Cee’s FOTD

Click on photos to enlarge.

I can’t decide which I like best so I’m including them all. Why not?  

Again, I went to buy soil and ended up with an entire trunk full of plants. It started with these lovely kalanchoes. Two plants–you can see a bit of the yellow one in one of the photos. There is such a variety of colors even from plant to plant. One yellow is not exactly the same as the other. I love this unbrash creamy color of yellow as opposed to lemon yellow plus the variation of the orange which unfolds from its blush peach fist to the more vivid orange flower.

I went out to snap a few new photos of flowers and ended up trimming all of the plants in the entire back porch plus the lower level around the studio and the side of the terrace. Two hours later, I came up to post this!  You can hardly pass for the heaps of weeds and dry leaves and branches in the pathways and corridors. A surprise for Pasiano on Monday. I trim, he clears away and bags up.