Tag Archives: Traviesa

Bad Zoey!!!! (Traviesa)

If I had to collect photos of things Zoey has destroyed in my house since February, it would take a good amount of work and a sizeable amount of space in my media file to share them with you. So, I’ll only show what I just discovered upon walking into my bathroom. I had a brief foreshadowing in the way she zipped out of the room, into my bedroom and out the door onto the terrace as I got up to walk to the bathroom. This is what I discovered:

It was my favorite Tarahumara basket from Copper Canyon, which I used as a Kleenex holder. She had to jump up and get it off my bathroom counter. I don’t know how. My purse strap was also hanging over the side, down to the floor, so I’m sure it would have been next. Remember the last time she completely destroyed a 200 pesos bill? I’d been so careful to keep the bathroom door closed, but one lapse creates results. My friend Brad is going to Copper Canyon later this year. Perhaps he can find me another pine needle basket like this one. So much prettier than a cardboard Kleenex box. The half box of Kleenex that I’d placed in the basket was more easily replaced.