Tag Archives: What would you do?

What would you do?

What would you do if you saw this puppy frantically rushing back and forth on an access road to a busy highway?  What I did was watch it in my rear vision mirror, then back up a block to try to  get it to come to me. Instead it ran under my car, crying and yipping loudly all the time. A man on a motorcycle stopped to help. Then a woman came out of a nearby place with her young son and a blanket in her arms to wrap the puppy in when and if we caught it. We finally did and I put it in the cooler I had brought along to take frozen food home in. I took the ice bags out and propped the lid open with one. The woman said it had been hit by a car, so I drove it immediately to the vet who Xrayed it, gave it shots and a bath. (The ice chest was covered in dirt from the puppy, who was filthy.) The tests showed parasites and malnutrition but no broken bones, so it was conjecture on the part of the woman who had helped me that it had been hit by a car. Long story short, “it” is a “she” and after a night at the vets, this sweetie was released to my arms. That is her being held by one of the vet’s assistants she had already bonded to. Once in the car, she insisted on nestling into one of my arms and settling on my lap where she still is now that we are home. Her sisters and brother are crying at the door, wanting to meet her, but for now we are just going to bond and get her accustomed to this new place.  What do you think? Do I have another dog? I’ll take votes. I promised a friend I’d advertise for a home for her, but you know how it goes.  Never met a dog or kitty I couldn’t bond to during a ride home!!!