Zinnia: FOTD, NOV 2, 2020




For Cee’s FOTD

10 thoughts on “Zinnia: FOTD, NOV 2, 2020

            1. lifelessons Post author

              Fires all out around you? My friend in Huntington Beach just bought my sister’s house in Sheridan, WY and is leaving CA..So I may never get out there again..so we may never meet in person.

              Liked by 1 person

          1. slmret

            The fires are well contained — I’ve not seen a report for a couple of days, which usually means that they are making progress towards full containment while the fire continues to burn inside the containment lines. There has been no wind for a couple of days, so the air is clearing out and the firefighters are just working on hot spots. The tension, fear and emotion are all settled down again!

            I’m sorry your friend is leaving the area — but maybe sometime when you are in the US I can travel to wherever you are so we can meet. Or if the world ever rights itself, perhaps I can come to your area in Mexico for a visit!



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