High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

Bake the pies and roast the beast.
Call your friends from west and east.
They’ll enjoy the food, at least,
as from sparse greens my meal is pieced.
For I fear my life’s long feast
has, by necessity, now ceased!


10 thoughts on “High Cholesterol

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    There was a time … but I can’t eat any of that stuff anymore. I was thinking just last night that a good part of the stuff I eat these days? I really don’t like it, but that’s what I have to eat or I will pay a heavy price. It isn’t FAIR.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Wil this change in time? Not gonna hit “like” on this one.. Sorry, but you will have a great figure! I keep forgetting I’m supposed to be being good..


      1. Christine Goodnough

        I’m sure my tastes will come back to normal once this is all over — two months down the line.
        Time will tell, but for right now the thing that tastes best—and helps to clear away the yucky taste—is munching on celery. Perfect for dieting, right? 🙂

        It’s hard, when your senses are being tantalized by delicious things on display, to deny their wails and say, “No, thanks.” Had I done this all my life I would indeed have a great figure. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          There is one medicine I take very rarely now that has this same effect. It not only curbs your hunger, but also takes some of the flavor out of food so you don’t crave it. Yours is a more bitter pill, though, Christine.



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