


His smile an invitation I could plainly see,
I very promptly answered his implied R.S.V.P.
But later on I wished that I had just let it be,
for that smile was for another girl the minute he had me!

An open invitation is his modus operandi.
Every social gathering provides him more eye candy.
Once seen, a tiny little lick is what he seems to savor.
He likes it when each taste he takes presents a different flavor.

Every toothsome girl he sees stirs his appetite,
and even though his smile suggests he’d like a little bite,
no matter what the tasty dish is that you choose to serve,
you’ll never be a main course, but merely an hors d’oeuvre.

The prompt today was “invitation.”


1 thought on “Gourmand

  1. Christine Goodnough

    Good poem, Judy.
    A friend’s dad was this way, she told me. He’d turn on the charm for the most attract woman in the lot, married or single. Bipolar, his thrill was in the conquest but after that he had no more interest in the “hors-doeuvre.” Her mom was long left behind. Sad.



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