Lilies: Flower of the Day, Dec 14, 2018


For Cee’s FOTD

7 thoughts on “Lilies: Flower of the Day, Dec 14, 2018

  1. Lwbut

    Such a richly coloured montage! 🙂

    I saw some exceptional day-lilies at my local mall this week but did not have my camera (or Phone) with me. 😦

    Did you ever get my (3) e-mails or my ‘private’ contact-me?


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Let me look. I’ve been running running. Forgottenman set up the private contact me but for some reason WP isn’t putting them through, at least they didn’t the two that he sent me. Maybe it is working now. I wrote a long email to WP. They never contacted me, but my blog went back to the old format–at least sometimes, as it was before. They sent me a form asking me to rate them on my satisfaction so perhaps they changed things without my knowing but odd they wouldn’t tell me. Or perhaps it just clicked back on its own.. Who knows. Looking for your messages now..My internet is torturously slow, plus they’re doing an upload to the Cloud. Getting ready for company, to go to the coast, all the Xmas stuff so I’m far behind re/ the blog but decided it was consuming too much of my time and these WP problems were perhaps nature’s way of moving me on into the rest of my life. I’ve worked two days in the art studio which is great, spent all morning with two helpers going through everything in my house looking for the caps for my air mattress..three hours times three people looking later, I had to give them up for irretrievably lost and buy a new mattress for one of my guests to use. So goes life. Once I buy another one, of course, I’ll find it in the most inconceivable place. A given of life. Okay. Raving on.. Thanks for the emails. I’ll look for them.

      Liked by 1 person


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