

All of my injuries told with such relish—
all so severe that I need not embellish.
I broke my tibia, tore my meniscus.
My feet pads are swollen. My eyes are non viscous.
My doctor has told me that there is no doubt
that I’m suffering rickets, edema and gout.
My bottom parts swelling, my top drying out.
I guess that the truth is I’m just wearing out.


(Hyperbole and humor, folks. I’m fine.)

Prompts today are embellish, doctor, tore.

9 thoughts on “Broken

  1. Nina Bell

    You’ve managed to gracefully bring poetry and rhyme to your physical pain. I am so sorry that this is all happening, but I thank you for sharing your story in such a creative way. I’m sure there are many others who would be appreciative to know that they’re not alone.



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