Tag Archives: aches and pains of aging

Keeping Up


Keeping Up

Celebrations in one’s seventies require an appointment
with your favorite doctor for a painkiller or ointment

for sprains or aches or bruises from one’s excesses of being
a good sport about camping out or ice skating or skiing.

What once you took for granted may now be an act of will
to engineer that final run or execute that hill.
Trying to be a kid again may put you out of touch.
The x-ray that they’ll take today will indicate how much.!


Word prompts today are celebration, x-ray, appointment.



All of my injuries told with such relish—
all so severe that I need not embellish.
I broke my tibia, tore my meniscus.
My feet pads are swollen. My eyes are non viscous.
My doctor has told me that there is no doubt
that I’m suffering rickets, edema and gout.
My bottom parts swelling, my top drying out.
I guess that the truth is I’m just wearing out.


(Hyperbole and humor, folks. I’m fine.)

Prompts today are embellish, doctor, tore.

Dining Out on Aches and Pains

Dining Out on Aches and Pains

Every day they exercise their God-given right
all of their various maladies and twinges to recite.
Over coffee in the morning and martinis after five,
they nod their heads with wonder that they are still alive.

Over pork with wine sauce, they whine about their bladders.
They complain about dizziness. They cannot ascend ladders.
Obstructions in their bowels and needed hip replacements
seem not to curb their appetites for listing such debasements.

From head to toe, they tell the rest each disease and malfunction,
discuss medicine and herbs, consider extreme unction.
 They moan about their neck aches and complain about each corn.
This relation of their aches and pains amounts to senior porn!

As though proud of each new symptom, they relate them with some glee,
hoping to receive some newfound sympathy from me,
but in fact I’ve heard all of their ills time and time again,
and I think that it’s their telling that is a royal pain!!

Prompts for today are exercise, symptom, royal and rest. Here are the links:

Old Age in Paradise



Old Age in Paradise

I’d like to know on just what basis
we deserve our fine oasis?
In other places, other climes,
people our age have harder times.
They work ’til death or do not eat.
They toil in poverty and heat.
So though we may have aches and pain,
I must our grumbling disdain.
Yes, I ache and limp and groan,
yet prefer these problems that are my own.



The Daily Addictions prompt today was oasis.