My Front Door, Newly Embellished. Thursday Doors


Front door mural completed


Some of you have seen my newly-muraled front door, but it seems so perfect for this prompt that here it is again. The artists are Jesus Lopez Vega and his son Eduardo.

18 thoughts on “My Front Door, Newly Embellished. Thursday Doors

    1. lifelessons Post author

      They’ll soon be finished with the studio and I’ll do another photo shoot. It’s going to be strange not to have them there. They’ve volunteered to paint the ugly wall next to my lot. It is my neighbor’s house but they’ve given me permission to paint it. For some reason The rest of their house is pristine but they’ve never bothered to pain the wall that faces my house for 19 years. It’s a bit of a waste to have them paint a blank wall, though. They think I should have them do a mural but I am not paying to have a mural painted on a neighbor’s wall. I do have my limits. ;o)

      Liked by 2 people

  1. slmret

    I think that’s an excellent idea — a wall painted the same color or one that matches the color of the neighbor’s house — but I agree with you about not paying for a mural on their wall!



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