Candace’s Explanation for her Lonely Artist piece

This is her completed piece

Thank you Judy Dykstra-Brown, this challenge came at the beginning of the quarantine , if approached now, it would be a totally different outcome. It was a fun silly project, making me miss our lovely art group. We had such fun creating art and community. Judy called several artist to see if they were up for the challenge. We each cleaned out our art supplies, which usally consist of lots of recycled oddities. Leftover collecting practices I guess for me, of being a preschool Director/teacher collecting items for art projects. Which in turns, contributes to me being a mixed media artist. Each artist who participated in this challenge, shared their collective art stash with the other artist. We then were to come up with some piece of art out of those items. This challenge came durning the time I learned my beautiful cousin became ill and hospitalized, being placed on a ventilator. No, she didn’t have the virus, but a heart condition. Her family could not visit her, because of hospital rules during the virus. This project helped me durning this time, making it was a mindless creative outlet, I would hum to myself, Simon and Garfunkel’s song, “Rosie, Queen of Corona” thinking of Debby as I created, willing Debby to breath on her own. It’s a silly piece of art, no museum piece. Nor will it last the ages, but a simple diversion of what was going on in the world. My beautiful cousin lost her life, on the eve of Mother’s Day. She left behind a husband, two children, two grandchildren, a brother, and her sweet mother, and many many extended family members who loved her. My heart still hurts over this. No, this art does not reflect Debby, but the process has a memory of keeping her in prayer durning her last days. My heart still hurts that she is no longer with us.

Here is Debby’s photo with her husband when they were younger.

HERE is my original blog with Candace’s piece in it. To see more closeups of her piece, go to that blog.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

3 thoughts on “Candace’s Explanation for her Lonely Artist piece

    1. lifelessons Post author

      It really is. I had a photo of her on the blog, but WP kept erasing the whole blog. By the sixth time I tried posting it, the photo had disappeared from Facebook as well, so it was no longer possible for me to post it on my blog. She was a beautiful lady.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: “Rosie, Queen of Corona” Candace Spence’s Contribution to the Lonely Artist Covid Challenge | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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