Deadly Pick


Deadly Pick

His coat size has been swelling as his fame keeps shrinking down.

His goal of being lionized has not earned him a crown.
His attempts at speech are aggravating, branding him a fool.
The “facts” he states extraneous, and fiction, as a rule.
He proved to have no budding talent, in fact he’s never bloomed.
From the day they picked him, our country has been doomed.
The seeds he’s spread are poisonous, the ground they fall on blighted,
but hopefully we’ll see the light and his wrongs will be righted.
The seeds of fairness sown again. Our course once more set straight.
And all the horrors he’s planted will wither and abate.


Images by Deviant Art and GoodEarth Plants.  Prompt words today are bud, extraneous, aggravate, lionize and coat.

18 thoughts on “Deadly Pick

  1. slmret

    Your last two lines are spot on — hopefully we’ll all see the light and set things right. He’s now saying that no votes should be counted after 11/3, even if they come in within the dates set out by the States — and he’ll go to the Supreme Court in order to prove that!


      1. slmret

        No need to apologize — I’ve spent the last two evenings yelling at the TV as Rachel Maddow has expounded on what’s going on to demote the trustworthiness of the CDC yesterday and the President’s plans to “steal” the election by declaring mail-in ballots invalid if they arrive or are counted after election day, even if state rules say otherwise! He is truly the perfect definition of an asshole — and worse!



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