Polishing the Cat

Please click on the photos to enlarge them. Also, note that I had nothing to do with these shenanigans. I knew neither cat nor girl. I was just the event photographer. I must say, though, that this is the most docile cat I’ve ever encountered. At the conclusion of the event, both manicurist and cat seemed to be content with the end results.


And, I can’t help it. I have to try sneaking this into Cee’s Coat of Many Colors prompt.

Also, her CBWC feet or paws prompt.  Not strictly black and white, Cee? You’ve got to admit that the kitty is black and white and the little girl has selected the contrasting color! How can that not count? (Born to rebel.)

And, for Sunday Stills Fur and Feathers.






7 thoughts on “Polishing the Cat

  1. Anonymous

    I hate it when people do this to an animal~! I even refuse to perk my dog Tami’s ears like those terrible Dog Show people do to their Papillon. Though while my friend Ginny was here this time we clipped Tami’s toe nails because they were becoming as sharp as a cat’s. I have those special clippers that do a clean cut but Ginny got too close to the “quick” and she yelped. So she quit and held her while I finished the job.. I know some women who even paint their toe nails,,,,,but they use flesh colored polish~! I never have checked to see if they have any rings or other metal in little seen places though~!


  2. Pingback: Sunday Stills: #Leaves have Fallen from the #Trees – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

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