Hibiscus Crowd: FOTD Jan 12, 2022

The other day I went out to find ten blooms on my scrawny hibiscus bush as well as eleven buds!!!!

For FOTD. See Cee’s luscious lilacs HERE.

11 thoughts on “Hibiscus Crowd: FOTD Jan 12, 2022

        1. lifelessons Post author

          I looked today. There were actually two bushes there and they covered about a 12 foot area along the wall. I must admit I am prone to exagerration.. or faulty memory. Not sure which is to blame.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I get so much enjoyment out of it, Cee. Wish you could see it in person. It’s a little bit wild.. how I like it. I’ll go take some photos today. It changes from season to season.



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