Hold the Tabasco, Please!!!


I was due to go to Tabasco for a Poetry/Painting exhibition where poets submit poems and artists create paintings inspired by them, but I think I must give it a miss and let my poem go on without me.

Here is a quote from a story about the heat wave here in Mexico whose link is given below.  “A report identified Veracruz (10 deaths), San Luis Potosí (four deaths) and Tabasco (four deaths) as the hardest-hit states.” See more from the report HERE. (For some, that link may hit a paywall and not be viewable. But the headline makes its content clear: “Mexico is about to see its highest temperatures ever, experts warn”.)

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

22 thoughts on “Hold the Tabasco, Please!!!

  1. slmret

    Oh, dear — I just saw a news report that the US Southeast is expected to have 19+ named storms this summer, several of which will be hurricane strength! Apparently the Atlantic Ocean is warmer than usual between northern Soutoh America and Africa, which is the area where storms are spawned! It sounds as if you are wise to stay home rather than going to Tabasco!


      1. slmret

        Not yet! We are in “May Gray,” which means foggy mornings and sunny afternoons. The fog has cleared a little earlier than usual, but not consistently, and we haven’t yet had a true heat wave. An El Nino is predicted for the summer, and there was less heat in the Pacific than in the Atlantic shown on the water temp map that I mentioned in my earlier comment. I’m afraid it’s too much to hope for that the heat will be less oppressive this year than it was last year!


  2. slmret

    I do — and I just had it serviced yesterday! I’m hoping that I won’t need to use it until August or September — last year I used ridiculous amounts of electricity for 520 full months!


  3. lifelessons Post author

    My friend is having Air Conditioning installed but my problem is that I have no windows in my house to install them in…only sliding glass doors. Exception is louvered windows in bathrooms but don’t want an airconditioner in my bathroom windows over shower stalls!!! Ah well. Not the biggest problem in the world, for sure.


  4. Ann Garcia

    smart of you to stay safe. I was shocked to hear about the demise of the howler monkeys. NPR informed me. Terrible.




    If you ever end up in my “neck of the woods” I can take you to AVERY ISLAND, where every small bottle of Tabasco Sauce is made by the barrel load, taking months to bring just the right taste to it. It it also called The “Salt and Pepper Island” due to the fact that it is a working, and mined salt dome sticking up out of the Marsh on which the peppers are grown an the sauce is produced~!

    But it is much, much more than that, it is also called “Jungle Gardens”, and is about the most beautiful and interesting spot in Louisiana.




  6. Pingback: One way to get cool in a heat wave. | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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