What would you do?

What would you do if you saw this puppy frantically rushing back and forth on an access road to a busy highway?  What I did was watch it in my rear vision mirror, then back up a block to try to  get it to come to me. Instead it ran under my car, crying and yipping loudly all the time. A man on a motorcycle stopped to help. Then a woman came out of a nearby place with her young son and a blanket in her arms to wrap the puppy in when and if we caught it. We finally did and I put it in the cooler I had brought along to take frozen food home in. I took the ice bags out and propped the lid open with one. The woman said it had been hit by a car, so I drove it immediately to the vet who Xrayed it, gave it shots and a bath. (The ice chest was covered in dirt from the puppy, who was filthy.) The tests showed parasites and malnutrition but no broken bones, so it was conjecture on the part of the woman who had helped me that it had been hit by a car. Long story short, “it” is a “she” and after a night at the vets, this sweetie was released to my arms. That is her being held by one of the vet’s assistants she had already bonded to. Once in the car, she insisted on nestling into one of my arms and settling on my lap where she still is now that we are home. Her sisters and brother are crying at the door, wanting to meet her, but for now we are just going to bond and get her accustomed to this new place.  What do you think? Do I have another dog? I’ll take votes. I promised a friend I’d advertise for a home for her, but you know how it goes.  Never met a dog or kitty I couldn’t bond to during a ride home!!!

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

54 thoughts on “What would you do?

  1. Ana Daksina

    I think this poor creature has already been through enough traumatic changes for one lifetime, don’t you? It doesn’t want to get off your lap, even, or meet its eager new friends… Of the two of you, one seems already sure that it has found home. Jus’ sayin’ 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Ha.. so perceptive, Ana. But I have to admit that a day after ‘finding” her, I’m pretty sure she has found a home as well. I had to see how the other dogs would accept her. There seems to be no problem. Now I just need to accustom her to being out of my presence when I have to leave.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. msjadeli

    She looks part Scottish Terrier from the pic. Thank you for saving her life. If you can find a good home for her, yes; if not, add her to the pack 🙂


  3. lauriedevine52@gmail.com

    I knew how this was going to end from the first eight words. But I can’t shrink the photo to see the dog.

    Lucky dog!

    By now the brothers and sisters have welcomed her or him to the clan.

    Happy Judy!!!!

    Of course you made the right choice! 😊

    What’s the new baby’s name?


    Liked by 1 person

      1. lifelessons Post author

        We spent the afternoon out with the others and they all did fine. She’s worn out from playing with them. But, when I came in, she wanted to as well. She’s sleeping at my feet. We’ll see how this first night goes. I can’t leave door cracked for her to go out and pee without letting other dogs in and that seems like it would be a pretty full bed. May have to chance it.


  4. lifelessons Post author

    Her ears are floppy…not the standup ears of a Scottie, and she is fragile in build with fine hair.. not a stocky curly/coarse-haired Scottie. That said, her face does resemble him, and her color. Morrie sorta ignores her, as he did Zoe, at first. Then he became addicted to her. The male cat came in and I believe attempted to mother her, but I put him out at once, forgetting what a good mother he was to Zoe. He’s just so much bigger than Annie!


    1. lifelessons Post author

      i know..Interesting seeing her fit into a new place among my active bunch but she is holding her own. She is just so tiny, but they are taking that into account. Proud of them. She is now trying to woo Morrie, who is always the last to fall!!


  5. Anonymous

    Judy, you are such a softy and with a big heart! And just who was that friend who suggested you look for the rightful owner in La Floresta? I think Annie’s found a wonderful home with lots of little yippee, barking friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Don’t know who you are..I just see “Someone.” You must be the person who suggested I not keep the doggie and you fear reprisals!!! ;o) I just posted some videos. if I did it right. Better check!


    1. lifelessons Post author

      You are right. We are certainly bonded. She seems to love her life here. She’s Zoe’s new best friend. Coco doesn’t seem too distressed about being left out of the action when Annie is about.



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