Annie, Day Two

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It is very difficult trying to manage three different groups  of animals: Coco and Morrie and Zoe, the cats and Annie. I  let Annie sleep with me because she cries if I am not within reach,  then this morning let other dogs in to my bedroom and they jumped up on bed with us and  were too frisky because they were hungry and wanted to be fed and she got scared so I had to put Coco and Zoe and Morrie out to feed them, then took Annie out front hoping she would pee but cats came in so I put cat food out and picked her up so she wouldn’t eat it, brought her in to the kitchen to feed her and afterwards took her for a walk which was a real adventure.

When we came in, I came into the bedroom to get my computer and the other doggies were at the south screen door to my room. Annie ran over to touch noses so I cracked the screen a bit to let her out . The others were gentler so she ran away to play with them, but five or ten minutes later she was crying at the screen and they were jumping about her.  I let her in and noticed wet footprints on the terrace and her legs and feet were sopping . Evidently she either stepped on the hot tub cover and then withdrew before sinking all the way in or stepped down one step into the pool, but if so more of her would be wet. At any rate, she is now sleeping by my side. It is tricky getting her acquainted with her new complicated environment.  While I had her out front, Coco was up on roof over the front door watching .Yolanda had left the outside gate to the upstairs open and the dogs can run up the stairs, jump up on the low wall and run over the top of the doggie domain (room I built on just for the dogs) and get onto the dome and run all the way around the roof of the house.  Only Coco does this at present, but the others can get up on the dome over my bedroom. See photo above as proof. I always keep the gate to the stairs closed for this reason.

No, I won’t Annie out on the back terrace around the pool unless I am near, but she has to learn about the pool. Yesterday the other dogs kept getting between her and water when she was near the pool. Diego and Morrie did this with Zoe, too.  Slowly, she will learn not to enter into the pool and  they will get used to each other. They are all very curious and not violent. Yesterday when I was in the hammock, Annie  kept checking up on me, then would run away to play with them. It  made me so happy, She has a babysitter this afternoon as I’m going to lunch at my friend Brad’s house and then out to an art show of my friend Isidro. Moms need to have some social life away from the kids!  Really does feel a bit like dealing with a newborn. This was not as much of a problem with any of the other puppies, but none seemed as damaged as Annie does. I think she is doing pretty well for as terrorized as she was just two days ago!

Note: that big dog on the roof is actually a statue of Frida. Her ashes are inside of it. Just had to put her up there in her favorite place where she spent most of every day surveying the neighborhood. This was pre-gate when she had full access.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

35 thoughts on “Annie, Day Two


    Thanks for the update Judy, the joy of hearing about Anny is not quite as good as actually being able to enjoy her in person but you know that my first love is with those animals who show such undying love for us. My Tami is not more than four feet away after our guest left this morning, and saying we are late in taking our morning walk~!

    Yesterday she looked so funny running into the house with an old bone sticking straight out or her mouth, dropping it in front of Cass as her gift to him. When they come for a visit they bring boxes of gifts, mostly for me but some for her and that cat too. We had a very nice two days with them doing most of those things that i needed done~!



    1. lifelessons Post author

      So glad you have family near and appreciative doggies! I wonder how yours and mine would get along? Annie is iffy. Others are very accepting of strangers.. except for Pasiano, who Morrie will not let within 20 feet of me. So strange.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I know. She’s a handful.. literally and figuratively, but I love her, too. She is actually even cuter than her photos. For some reason she doesn’t photograph well. Just like her Mommy! Heh ;o)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ann Garcia

    i just love your Annie sagas. She’s going to wear you out but will surely settle down. When we got our schnauzer, Gretchen showed him the ropes fast. Love how you took this little one on. You’re a saint.



  3. K.L. Hale

    Aww. Annie is a doll! I’m glad she’s doing good with you and siblings. And good to get away from the kids and see how they do when you’re away! Currently I’m dog sitting. My Finley has two playmates~Allie and Sweetie! 🐾 🐾🐾

    Liked by 1 person

      1. K.L. Hale

        Yay! My poor Finley—we had to go to emergency vet this morning with gastrointestinal issues (very scary!!). But all is well—all 3 pups waiting out the tornado watches and storms with me. Take care!!


        1. lifelessons Post author

          Glad Finley is okay now. All of mine except Annie have just had their yearly shots..Annie needs to go for a booster in 3 weeks. I have a groomer/vet who comes by every year and gives all my animals their yearly shots! It would be a chore to get all 6 to a vet.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. lifelessons Post author

              I would be impossible. Actually, Annie was one of my cats who died a few years ago and I still had her i.d. tag with her name and my phone number, so I decided to call this new surprise addition Annie so I could use the tag. It seems to suit her. Either that or Chewbaca!!!

              Liked by 1 person

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