Frisky Business: Annie, Day 2 1/2


Click on photos to enlarge and read captions…Annie’s side of the story!

And now, my side of the story!!

I just looked for Annie for over 1/2 hour. She was miffed when I set her down to go let the plumbers in. They are here to fix an outside leaking broken pipe junction that is killing the plants it sprays  with hot water when water is running. Cats inside, dogs locked in the doggie domain where they won’t bother the plumbers,  Annie , however, is nowhere to be found. I worry that somehow she slipped out. Did she slip into the front yard and did the plumbers go out to get equipment and let her out into the street? No, I was sure she was securely inside when they came.  Finally I let the other dogs in and Morrie found her under the bed in my room. Always a new thrill.

Now I am trying to polish my nails–something I started attempting to do over an hour ago– and Annie insists on being held. When I opened the door to search for Annie, Ollie slipped into the  spare room where cats are not allowed because I am keeping it hypoallergenic for friends allergic to cats.. Plumbers just replaced a broken pipe join.This hot water can be a curse at junctions. Luis says he’s figured out one that will expand with hot water and not spring a leak. Crossed fingers. Annie has been begging to be picked up since she was located under bed, but wiggly puppies and nail polish just don’t mix. I wonder if she’ll ever understand that. She seems to be sulking how, her head buried under my desk skirt. She won’t even play with my favorite little toy made by the ladies of Operation Feed that I decided might distract her from less appropriate playthings.. She just must not be in a playful mood.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

19 thoughts on “Frisky Business: Annie, Day 2 1/2

  1. msjadeli

    Ah, so Annie is her name. Reminds me of the John Denver song. Lots of cute pics with cute captions. I remember when Zoe was going through her introductions to the pack. I wonder if Annie might be sick? I know you had her tested at the vets for some things. Did they give her any vaccinations? As to her hiding, there is no telling how long she has been on the streets and fighting for survival. Poor little thing is safe now ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ann Garcia

    new dogs are really a worry. With your other dogs showing her who’s boss, I reckon she will be calmer sooner than an “only” new dog.


  3. Kim Smyth

    Our dogs like this one stuffed duck. They also like to have a soft dog bed. We keep one in the motor home and one at my brother’s house. The other dog will sit in the bed or the carpet.


          1. Martha Kennedy

            Teddy’s full name is Teddy Bear T. Dog because he’s in the Bear family with Polar Bear Yeti T. Dog. I gave him the name because he’s so cute and the little girl who used to live up the alley liked to say, “Hello Teddy Bear and Polar Bear.”


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I believe she does. Yoli tells me she was comfortable at their house when she baby sat yesterday. They have 4 dogs as well so that was a relief. She’s no longer scared of the whole world!!!!



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