Tag Archives: Hibiscus

For FOTD, June 23, 2024

I love it when this particular hibiscus bush is blooming as I not only pass it on the way to the hammock but can view it from the hammock. My neighbor David can see it from his porch that is so high up that they can see over my wall. He asked for a cutting and so now has one of his own, which I, lowdown as i am, cannot see.

For Cee’s FOTD


Hibiscus, Bee and Rain!!! For FOTD June 17, 2024

I was down in the hammock to take this video of the newest hibiscus flowers when the sky opened up and we had a deluge of rain.  I was totally soaked by the time I got up to the house.  Here is a video of the rain glorious rain landing in the pool. It was also leaking into the house through my skylight..

For Cee’s FOTD