Tag Archives: Roses

Rubbish Roses: Flower of the Day, Sept 5, 2018

I knew as the garage doors closed that I should have gone back for my camera!  I had to borrow my daughter-in-law Debbie’s phone to snap this shot.

For Cee’s Flower of the Day prompt.



We are all filters of the world,
taking the news in—the happy births 
and inane deaths, the charities and cruelties,
the beauties and the gross ugliness
of nature and of human nature. 
These things pass through us or get stuck,
taking us with them into the poles of our own natures.
Those ills of the world we choose to dwell on
change us if we are not careful to let them go again
or to act in a manner opposite—
which causes us to seed new hope
which just might, just might
catch hold in the sieves
of others

and bloom.

A concrete poem is one that takes the form of what it describes. I could find no photo of a rose in my photo library, so the form of the poem will have to do to illustrate its meaning. 

The prompt today was “filter.”

Red Rose Ala Mode: Flower of the Day, July 6, 2016

This gorgeous rose was on our table at the ice cream parlor where we met my niece Cindy’s cousin Kent who is directing a play at the Sheridan Drama Festival.  Big coincidence as he is from NYC where the play his wife is in, “The Humans,” just won a Tony. Nice guy.  Yummy ice cream–and this beautiful flower.

