Tag Archives: word prompts

Midnight Communion

Midnight Communion

Grass dampened by the night air sprouts beneath me as I lie
here beneath the swirling stars that spark an empty sky.
The moon sketches my shadow against the garden wall,
temporary art that holds me in its thrall.
Caught up in the orbit of a world that must astound me,
I am sister to a universe that’s breathing all around me.


For the Sunday Whirl Wordle 565. the words are: damp stars sparks swirl sisters breathe empty sprouting shadows sketch orbit art. Image by Josh Miller @Unsplash.

Enigma: The Secret Keeper WWP132

IMG_8219 2


I take your arm.
I read your eyes.
Stare at the rage
your mien belies.
I raid your lips
with tongue and tooth
trying to find
your hoarded truth.
The whole of you
defies my test.
Does eye deceive
or does the rest?



This prompt requires I write a post making use of these five words: READ | ARM | RAID | STARE | RAGE |
