New Old Roof


The men have been busy for the last month repairing my domes, roof tiles and skylightdome.

Click on any photo to enlarge all.

Here is the link for the roof challenge:

22 thoughts on “New Old Roof

      1. slmret

        I hope by now you’ve seen my posts about the fire. The Aliso Fire is about 3 miles from my house — close enough to be scary! The big Laguna Beach Fire 25 years ago was about a mile away, but clearly travelling down the canyon and not in this direction at all. This one is actually a little scarier, given the change in fire behaviors since then, and given last year’s fire history. I’m keeping good watch!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. lifelessons Post author

          Yes.. right after I wrote that I thought to check your blog and saw your photos and read your commentary. My friend in Huntington Beach didn’t even know about it until I Skyped her an hour ago!

          Liked by 1 person

      2. slmret

        It’s actually pretty small in the scheme of things — 200 acres seems to be the size, and the main concern is that it’s between two heavily populated areas. I’ll see if I can locate a better vantage point in a little while, but I expect there won’t be much to see by now!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Yes..I keep thinking I should sell and move to a smaller place but I’ve put so much work into it and love it and can’t face having to get rid of stuff.


      1. Catherine Dovey

        I know. It is the key question for this time of life. Kevin and I have more yard andhouse than we need, but our lives are here and we have great neighbors and friendships and hate the thought of having to change all that! It will be interesting to see where we all end up in the next decade or two.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: The Lost Roof | The life of B

  2. Pingback: Up on the Rooftop | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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