Morrie Gets a Makeover

img_40532016 Model

2017 Model

Click on photos to enlarge

Personally, I prefer last year’s model.  This year’s looks too grown up.  But it will be good for the beach.  He looks like a square-jawed rabbit, doesn’t he?

Today’s prompt word was year.

15 thoughts on “Morrie Gets a Makeover

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Well, it’ll grow back. I had asked the groomer not to cut the face hair like last time, but he didn’t comprehend! Interesting to see him look like a Scottie, but it’ll grow back.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I absolutely loved them. They were my favorite objects and I just remember that it was the white Scottie I’d lost in my miracle closet story–not an add-on pencil eraser!!!


  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    He looks like a true Scotsman. Believe me, he will looks as scruffy as ever in just a couple of weeks. He’s like Bonnie with a lot of bushy coat. Gibbs has a truer Scottie coat … harder and flatter. Less curl, not bushy. So his haircuts last easily twice as long as Bonnie’s do. He still has a Scottish outline a couple of months after grooming.

    I keep both dogs in tight jackets. It keeps them smelling better and they don’t bring in everything from the yard AND I can easily check for ticks and fleas. They seem a lot less itchy clipped down.

    I wish I could keep them with a proper skirt, but that skirt looks great, but it turns them into 4-legged dust mops. Hmm. That has potential, come to think of it!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Marilyn Armstrong

        You’re right. I have to rethink my position on skirts. The problem is that most of what they’d be sweeping up would be exactly what they had previously dragged in.

        At least they don’t shed. And they do NOT make the asthma worse.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          I am hoping his odor problem will be lessened. Doesn’t help when he jumps in the pool a dozen times a day. So strange. The other dogs have hated the water. Will not enter.


      1. carol1945

        The irony of the Westie is that I researched and researched about getting a dog. I had two children aged 7 and 10 and I thought it would be a good dog for kids (plus so cute) Well, that little terrier turned out to be a biter, and I had to constantly supervise him. I took him to training school and everything, but if he saw someone coming down the street, he would chase after their heels to bite them. (well, that only happened once, before I realized it) He also bit a neighbor’s child. (did not break skin) I loved him, though, I could not give him back.


  2. Pingback: The Nudge Wink Report – Chinese New Year 2017 Edition – Horoscopes For All | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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