

I’ve been an avid blogger, in fact it is inane
the hours I devote to it. I fear I am insane.
I only slept three hours last night for I was agonizing
about the state the world is in, never realizing
that hours I could have spent in sleep I spent in speculation
of how giant guns in hands of fools leads to eradication
of larger numbers of the human race we’re meant to love,
but instead of arms embracing, we use arms to push and shove.
There’s such incentive now I fear for these fools to abuse them.
Why spend so much on weapons if we’re never going to use them?
It’s thoughts like this progressively that fill most of my thinking.
I cannot help believing that our ship of state is sinking,
bringing the whole world with it. In fact, I am obsessive.
With so much to be thankful for, I have become depressive.
I know I must pull out of it for what life we have left
should be enjoyed for soon enough it may be we’re bereft.
These are the thoughts that constantly roil within my mind.
I fear for breath, I fear for life.  I fear for all mankind.
The more I write about it, the more morose I grow,
and so I think I might quit blogging for a month or so
and see if I can concentrate on things a bit more cheery,
for I’m growing so reclusive that my friends are no doubt leery.
I could fade from sight before the big guns do it for me,
so my resolution on this day is that I must restore me
back to the hum of daily life, throwing down my pen
to try to remember how my life was way back when
I suffered from a writer’s block that kept my words inside,
milling about disorganized until they up and died.
And since I do not think much ’til I see what I have written,
I’ll grab the serpent by the tail before I have been bitten.
So adios for now, my friends, you’ll hear no more from me.
I need a small vacation where I can simply be.

The prompt today is avid.   I really didn’t know where this poem was going when I set out, but after a sleepless night spent having to deflect another asthma attack–or at least fearing one–and unable to find my oxygen machine, I think maybe I really do need to stop thinking for awhile and just live.  Perhaps this will be a time to get a book together or to finish the 71 bracelets I designed and compiled at the beach that I need to find a way to finish off.  Or perhaps I’ll just swing in the hammock and read upbeat books.  Any suggestions?  My friend Jane arrives in a few days and that will help. It’s true we should all be concerned with the state of our world, but when it blinds us to its joys and beauties, it is time to affect some changes.  With a week to go on NaPoWriMo, I may delay for a week, and may change my mind tomorrow, but for now I need to deflect my thoughts elsewhere.  If you still desire a daily dose, I’ve posted 3,042 blogs over the past four years, so please go back and perhaps start at the beginning, or pick a topic  to search by and read random blogs from the past.  It has taken awhile to grow a readership so I’m sure there are many blog entries very few of you have ever read.  And, I’d still love to hear your comments. Doubt that I’ll be able to resist checking now and then.  Or daily.  But hopefully not hourly.

45 thoughts on “Adios

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I spent the late morning/early afternoon in the hammock, throwing a plastic aloe vera drink bottle for Morrie to retrieve and watching “A Wonderful Life” on my laptop. It is called retirement, I guess.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. slmret

    I do hope that your vacation from blogging will be a short one. I do understand about the world and the current state of the union — but for me the solution has been to reduce considerably the amount of time I spend watching political issues swirl, and move to happier events and other activities. Reading, your art work, time with friends — they all help. Enjoy your time away, and come back soon, refreshed and ready to roll again!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Janet. That’s exactly what I plan to do. I’ll miss talking to you, but perhaps if you read some old blogs published before you started following, I’ll still have the benefit of your comments!


      1. slmret

        Judy — I spent some time reading old blogs yesterday — they seem to have turned off the comments once a blog is archived — if you don’t hear from me, it’s not for lack of wanting to respond!


  2. updownflight

    I’ve ordered myself to do the same thing. I hope the break is restorative, but I feel the same as others and will miss your posts. I hope that when you return you will post about the beauties in life. Even despite the scary things there is still peace and beauty among us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I have a lot of posts that focus on the beauties and pleasures of life. Hope you have a look at some of them least you think I am a lifetime depressive! It’s just recently that I feel like I’ve been driven to write about some of the well-warranted fears I’m sure most of us have. But–I need to get in balance. “Restorative break” is a perfect way to put it. Thanks for your kind comments, updown!! And I wish the same for you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      It’s hard to strike a balance between being unaware and being hyperaware, isn’t it? I think when we get stressed to the point of inactivity it does no one any good. Better to redirect and learn to enjoy the life immediately surrounding you. Hope you are doing this, too. This is your month!!! A good time to gain new insights and shift focus if necessary, but hope none of us lose touch entirely. Perhaps it is a matter of balance. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Christine Goodnough

    Yes, take a rest
    and find you’re blessed,
    your life unstressed,
    your mind not wrest
    with undue quest
    for thoughts expressed.

    Kick back, invest
    in art’s finessed,
    enjoy your guest
    and leave the messed,
    the world’s unrest,
    All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I’ve printed out your poem and will tape it to my desk along with Carol’s quoted excellent advice. I need to see both every day as a reminder that I’m not just quitting but redirecting for awhile. Thanks for always being such a good blogging friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. animar64

    A very wise writing teacher told me that sometimes you need to put your pen ( this was back in the day when most of us wrote in long hand or used-gasp- typewriters) down and go out into the world and and soak it all in.
    Filling the well, he called it.
    I did that for the past month and now I’m back at it with new things to draw ( or write ) from.
    Enjoy refilling the Well!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Judy Reeves

    Much as I’ll miss your blogs, Judy, I sure understand about the need to “fill the well” with wonder. I’ve been having a little trouble staying with my writing, too, because I’m addicted to the news, which isn’t really news. I sense an unbalance in many things and a general anxiety. I think we would all be wise to follow your lead. I’m sending all good wishes for you to find the peace you need to do your work with an open heart. xoox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Judy. I’ve had this great fear that if I don’t keep at it at the pace I’ve been going that I’ll stop writing all together, but I think it is necessary for me to round out my life a bit right now, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never stop writing. Perhaps not at the frantic pace I’ve been keeping for the past three years, though.


  6. calmkate

    A break seems wise at this stage when it impacts so deeply.
    As a recent reader so will search thru your archives as time permits.
    Reading up beat books/posts, not watching any news, contemplating, chatting with friends, exercising and breathing are a few remedies I might suggest. Enjoy and look forward to your renewed energy on your return!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Kate. Reading through archives is exactly what I’m hoping blogging friends will do. There is plenty there to keep everyone busy for now. I appreciate your advice and will follow all of it!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Relax...

    I absolutely agree. Sometimes, it’s just time to smile at a bird’s shadow and maybe mine it and write of it, or recreate it with beach-finds — or just let the smile go right down to the toes. 🙂 Someone put up a quote-post about 2 wks ago that had me thinking deeply. It was: “When you’re tired, learn to rest. Don’t quit.” What a great concept, lol!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Cee Neuner

    Judy, I know you are in a lot of pain right now. I an totally understand you wanting to take a break. Reading fun things and doing fun things is the best prescription for you. As your wrote you said you felt even worse. IF you write about fun an positive things, You will start to feel feel. You can bring your joy back. Try not to feed into the fear that sometimes feels to close to us. Take care of yourself. Stay away from the news, I do. And only care when it directly affects you or your loved ones. I know I have to stay away from the news because it would drive me crazy. Feel free to write me.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Cee. A very good friend is coming to visit tomorrow from the states. She always makes me feel happy and I’m going to do just what you advise..Do nothing except have fun and relax. It’s easier to avoid the news when you don’t have time for it. I will write later. You don’t know how important you have been to me in the past three years. You have given me reason to go deeper into nature than I’ve been in years.. oxoxo


  9. Debbie Lynn

    Everyone needs to take time off and just enjoy life without any responsibilities. Enjoy your time. I look forward to ‘Buenos Dias’ when you’re ready to begin posting again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. slmret

    Thanks, Judy — I did follow okcforgottenman’s suggestion and that’s exactly where I went wrong — will start to read the old blogs tomorrow, and will comment along the way. Enjoy your time off, and particularly the visit from your friend. Get lots of R&R, and feel better soon!


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Ha. I’ve still been posting every day. I just try not to spend as much time online and not to feel obligated to post every day, even though I do. I don’t check out stats as much. Nor do I do as many photo prompts as before. Just trying to get some balance. Thanks for asking. Who is this? I can only see “Someone.”


  11. Pingback: Author Interview – Gordon C. Stewart – “Be Still!: Departure from Collective Madness” (Poetic Theological Essays on Politics, Pop Culture, Economy and Much More) | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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