3:30-5:10 A.M.

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3:30-5:10 A.M.

The calicos are crazy,
my bed a high hill in their racetrack 
that seems to extend down the long hall
from the  living room to here and back.  
They barrel over the bedclothes, over me,
leap to the desktop, rattling the glass case of a 
pre-Columbian clay jug.
The white cat lies serenely licking against my side,
then rises to knead my breast with sharp claws,
nibble fingers as I type.le,∑ß`099w≥. (Her added comment.)
The grey cat has brought something to my bed––a masticated mouse, perhaps.
Quickly, I cover it with the comforter to save it from the cat,
who careens on into another adventure.

I pull back its shroud, dreading what I will reveal,
to find half of the cover of my Xtech Card reader.
From the computer beside me, its guts still hang connected,
the SD card from my new camera still inside.
This is the last time the young cats sleep inside!


For Cee’s Which Way challenge..Which Way? Down the hallway and across the bed:

19 thoughts on “3:30-5:10 A.M.

          1. Relax...

            I miss many of mine — and all of them as a species. If I lived further out of town, I would risk the heartbreak of a someday goodbye again, but more and more drivers pass by, pretty much accelerating, just yards from my door. That has proven to be deadly. If anything, our next pet would be a leashed-when-outside dog, but husband is not interested in morning and night walkings and I would probably not bring him or her to a dog park, a half hour away, least of all in New England’s lonnnnng winter. And goldfish die, too, so that’s that. My kids will need to get some pets. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  1. lifelessons Post author

    Man, they were leaping up and tearing over the bedclothes, rolling on the floor in a cat fight or leaping to the desktop, rattling the art objects there, pulling clothes down off the clothes rack in the hall, biting and clawing at my feet under the comforter, walking over my computer keys. They must have found a hidden supply of catnip.


  2. Pingback: 7:16 A.M. | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  3. transcribingmemory

    What a great post! I also love the images of your living space, but I’m getting the sense you may be a bit uprooted due to an injury or illness? I am going to continue reading backwards, and forwards, to see how you are doing. Whatever it is I wish you a speedy recovery!



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