Blanched Hibiscus Floating in Acapulco Pool, FOTD Dec 6, 2018



For Cee’s FOTD

10 thoughts on “Blanched Hibiscus Floating in Acapulco Pool, FOTD Dec 6, 2018

      1. Lwbut

        The leaf’s uneven shape and the surface tension of water make the water surface ‘bend’ either up or down to meet the surfaces of objects it touches. The effect is stronger at the points of contact, particularly where there is only a small surface area making direct contact with the water. This causes the light coming from underneath to bend at different angles to where the water surface is perfectly flat.

        The effect is similar to those ‘wavy’ mirrors in Fun Parks only instead of light being reflected weirdly it is refracted by the ‘wavy’ water surface.

        Physics lesson for the day. 😉



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