Mystery Flower of the Day, Aug 26, 2019


I don’t know what this is, but I think it is gorgeous. It was photographed in the hills above Montenegro.

For Cee’s FOTD

24 thoughts on “Mystery Flower of the Day, Aug 26, 2019

  1. Lwbut

    OK, I’m not 100% certain, maybe 95%, but i’m going to say those are NOT flowers!

    I’m pretty sure they are the berries of the Elderberry plant, Family: Adoxaceae, Genus: Sambucus.

    The leaves are identical and the red branchlets match and there seems to be one remaining white flower still hanging on to a lower berry. I’ve looked for a long time to find a match for your photo but you seem to have caught them in the very narrow period of time between the flowers forming green buds and the berries changing colour. There is the possibility they are a lesser known species of the same genus?

    These are the closest i could get! 🙂


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I looked and looked as well, Bob, and couldn’t find any similar bud stage of any flower. I’ll check out your sites.. again, as usual, very grateful for all the work you put into this.


    2. lifelessons Post author

      Bob, I had elderberry bushes at my house in CA and they were much much smaller than these fruits. The leaves are also different. But, no that you bring up the topic of fruit, These actually look very much like small guavas. They have the snout at the end and a similar flower, but I;ve never seen guavas growing in bunches like this. I think you are right that this is a fruit tree, though.


  2. Lwbut

    The elderberry cultivar ‘York’ is said to have the largest fruit of any elderberry and this link has leaves that look very close to yours:
    I’m sure it is a member of the Sambucus genus, possibly S canadensis:

    How big are the berries?

    For some reason Google does not want to give me details of any berry size other than ‘largest’ which makes searching a little problematic when looking for larger versions. 😦


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Believe me, I know. I spent hours looking and you have come much closer to a solution than I was able to, even acting on your info. At this point, I’ll go with the expert’s (your) opinion.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lwbut

        I’m not going to be satisfied until i can find a better picture to match!!

        But i will place it on the back-burner for a little. 😉

        What size were those fruits again??


        1. lifelessons Post author

          Now I’m not sure. One day I’ll remember to always take a second photo establishing size. I looked again and found a photo of them with my camera cord in the photo. I just measured it and it is 3/16 of an inch in actual size but shows up as 2/16″ in the photo. Since the largest span of a berry in the photo is 4/16″ I take it they are about twice the size of the cord.. but that is not taking perspective into account, or the fact that the camera cord was closer to the camera. All of that taken into account, I would say they were more or less 1/2 inch in size. That would be 12.7 mm. Phew. What a thing to be doing a 4 a.m.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Lwbut

            Acting on that and counting 2 berries to the inch, i figure that head is about 14 inches in diameter, or a bit bigger than a large dinner plate!

            Would that match your recollection?? 🙂


            1. Lwbut

              Was not really into mysteries as a kid. Unless you count the paranormal/UFO/Chariots of the Gods kind. 🙂

              I do love detective stories now though, but i rarely figure them out before they do. 😉

              But if i see an unidentified object in a post i just have a need to know!


            2. Lwbut

              I’ve always been more of the Logical mind type – i see the plot errors that were put in to make something more entertaining, but are just impractical! 😉


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