Moon’s Eclipse. May 26, 2021

I woke up very early this morning after only 4 hours of sleep. I collected the day’s prompts–those that had been posted this early–and decided to check my Facebook. Thankfully, someone had posted a notice that the moon was in almost total eclipse. Thus began a hour’s flurry of activity, first trying to photograph it with my hand-held iPhone, then searching the house for my long-neglected Canon with 80X Zoom, only to find all of the SD cards were full or nonfunctional for one reason or another. I erased one, then went in search of my tripod and spent another 15 valuable minutes trying to get the horizontal pivot to work.. No success. Finally, I took it out to the terrace again only to find that I didn’t need to pivot it to get a shot of the moon, but at that exact moment, the sky started to lighten from pitch black to a pale gray and the moon vanished entirely! Luckily, I earlier managed to capture one sliver of moon on my iPhone, and here it is–the blood moon almost totally drained.

20 thoughts on “Moon’s Eclipse. May 26, 2021

  1. slmret

    I love this shot! I was awake, and watched the moon, through clouds, diminish to about this stage. I wanted to stay awake to see the red color, but fell asleep just before that happened. It’s good to see a picture of the moon in full eclipse, just a few minutes after I fell asleep! Thank you!

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