“Python Pariah” for The Sunday Whirl Wordle 649, Apr 7, 2024

Python Pariah

The root of all his problems is a bad mood he can’t shake.
Spooning with a garden hose?  A horrible mistake!
Returning now to his old den is not within the cards.
Too humiliating to face his former pards.

Outside it is both cold and wet and ice stands up in slivers.
It’s the sort of weather that can give a snake the shivers. 
Hard to move through ice and snow with neither arm nor limb
and all those constellations of shards of ice on him.

He’s gobbled down a lizard and nibbled on a squirrel,
then lay rigid on the platform until ready to unfurl.
He negotiated train tracks after descending a stair.
Zipped right down the train aisle without paying his fare.

Slipped into the baggage room and curled up in a coil,
rocking with the movement as the train began to roil.
He then passed a dreary spell while digesting his food.
It’s hard to enjoy traveling when in an iffy mood.

When he is finished shivering, then he begins to cough.
He knows not his destination, knows not where he’ll get off.
He only asks that it is warm with places he can hide
and curl up somewhere safe with a real girl snake at his side!


The Sunday Whirl Wordle 649 prompt words are: nibbles slithers spoon platform shards root constellations limbs dreary spell shake wet

16 thoughts on ““Python Pariah” for The Sunday Whirl Wordle 649, Apr 7, 2024

  1. Sam

    Ha, that reminded of something that happened to a friend years ago. She found a snake while
    she was working in her garden, In a true lady like a garden person, she chopped at that sucker, then remembering that the son of her neighbor was an expert on snakes she called him over. She asked: Do you know what kind of snake that was~?” His pitiful answer: “that WAS a pet king snake and he belonged to me~!”


  2. Ann Garcia

    Here’s Ann ….the ideas you have in that sweet blonde head of yours. I love the rhythm, rhyme and even that snake as long as I don’t wind up its bedfellow. I wouldn’t be mellow.


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