Green Brownies for dVerse Poets, Apr 12, 2024


(This poem evolved from notes that I scribbled into the margin
of our Mexican Train score sheet while visiting my friend Gloria.)

Green Brownies

The brownie that she serves me
crumbles when I try to break it in half.
Her sense of humor allows it and so I tease her.
“Gloria, this looks like the kind of food
my grandmother tried to pawn off on us—
weeks old and crusty from the refrigerator.”

“Those chocolate chips were like that when I bought them!”
she insists, even before I question their green tinge.
I think that this is even worse than the alternative,
and say so and we both laugh as she eats her brownie
and I reduce mine to dust. Not a hard task, as it turns out.

She’s had a bad infection for a week or more.
“I’m not contagious,” she insists each time she coughs
a long low rasping rumble that threatens to avalanche.
“Now stop!” she tells the sounds that explode
without permission from her chest.

“Perhaps,” I say, “These brownies are a godsend
and that’s penicillin growing on the chocolate chips.”
Then her deep coughs transform into
gasps of laughter that echo mine.

The young man there to rake the garden
looks up at us and shakes his head
at two old ladies drinking rum and
eating something chocolate,
and it occurs to me that perhaps
what the world sees as senility
is simply evolution
out of adulthood
to a higher

For dVerse Poets Open Link 360
You can see how others responded to the prompt HERE.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

22 thoughts on “Green Brownies for dVerse Poets, Apr 12, 2024

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    Your final comment :

    ” it occurs to me that perhaps
    what the world sees as senility
    is simply evolution
    out of adulthood
    to a higher

    rings so very true. We have moved from adulthood to just enjoying life. It is definitely a higher stage 🌄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rothpoetry

    I love this Judy. Yes you are right we are not senile… just more evolved than most young people would understand. Such a fun poem to read. I would love to hear you read it on the live meeting tomorrow!??


    1. lifelessons Post author

      I have guests arriving from out of town about that time but I’m going to try to participate, Dwight. Hope to see you there. I just go to the dVerse Poets site and click on the link, correct?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. kim881

    These lines are clever and tragi-comic, Judy:

    “Perhaps,” I say, “These brownies are a godsend
    and that’s penicillin growing on the chocolate chips.”
    Then her deep coughs transform into
    gasps of laughter that echo mine.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Helen

    Hello Again!!! What a delight meeting you this morning, watching your live reading …. all about the ‘Green Brownies.’ Pamela Johnson is my friend’s name and it’s the Lakeside Little Theatre she is part of. Cheers till next time!!


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks,Björn. I never did find the airing of the reading. Is it still online or was it a onetime deal? I am so lame with technology. Use up all my brainpower writing poetry!


  5. msjadeli

    Judy, my first thought on green brownies was that they were laced with weed. What they are is much more entertaining. I have to think you’re on to something with that last bit. JDGAF stage (just don’t give a f… stage) lol

    Liked by 1 person


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